Free SEO Audit Tools that can Boost your Website Performance

Free SEO Audit Tools that can Boost your Website Performance

Get an in-depth SEO audit of your website to make it work better! SEO audit tools give you a full report on your website’s search engine optimization, examining technical and on-page factors, content quality, and comparisons with other websites.

You can use our simple platform to find places where your website could do better and then take steps to boost its performance in search engine results pages (SERPs). Do not let your website fall behind; begin your SEO audit right away and let it reach its full potential! In this article, we’ll discuss free SEO Audit Tools as well as the importance of SEO audit

But before jumping into the SEO audit tools, it’s better to understand what factors need to be considered for SEO to boost website performance. 

Things that Need to Look in the Website from an SEO Perspective to Boost Website Performance

1. A look at the landing page SEO audit.

Get the most out of your website’s SEO with a full site analysis report:

Find things that could be done better on each landing page, along with an SEO score and the number of problems that were found. Check each page’s Google Mobile Friendly and Page Speed numbers.

Keep an eye on where your website usually ranks on Google for the keywords you choose. Check out how many people have visited your pages in the last 30 days and look for other useful information.

Step 1: Fix the simple things first! Find the pages that are ranking highly on Google and use our powerful SEO analysis tool to get rid of any problems it finds. Move up in the SERPs and see better results for your website.

2. Create a website that search engines can easily find.

With its thorough on-page SEO checks, SEOmator is a great way to make your website more visible to search engines. SEOmator makes sure that all of your website’s on-page elements are looked at by focusing on optimizing the text, structure, and different parts of each landing page. It gives people the power to find and fix any problems that might be getting in the way of their search engine results pages (SERPs). With SEOmator’s powerful tools, you can fine-tune your landing pages to meet search engines’ strict requirements. This will make your website more visible and increase its chances of ranking highly. By providing a complete and usable on-page SEO strategy, this tool is an essential resource for websites and digital marketers who want to stay ahead in online competition.

3. Check your website’s technical problems from time to time.

Performance: pages that load slowly and CSS or HTML tags that are too big; title tags, meta descriptions, and H1 tags that are missing, duplicated, or not the right length;

Social tags: Open Graph tags and Twitter cards that are missing or not full

Quality of the content: low word counts and similar pages that haven’t been merged

All problems with Hreflang are localized.

Getting links: finding empty pages and problems with nofollow links

Outgoing links: finding links that lead to broken or redirected pages

Resources: problems with pictures, JavaScript, and CSS

4. Making page speed tests easier.

Simple tests called “page speed tests” check how fast a webpage loads. They are very important for both users and search engine results. Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, and Pingdom that give you useful information about how quickly your site loads make this process simpler. Usually, these tools look at things like server reaction time, image optimization, browser caching, and the structure of the page as a whole. The results are given in easy-to-understand ways, and they often come with specific suggestions for how to fix problems that have been found. Website owners can fix performance problems, make load times faster, and improve user happiness and search engine rankings by regularly testing page speed. Visitors have a better and easier experience online when these tests are used for regular optimization.

5. Linked to the search panel.

SEOmator, powered by insights from Google Search Console, provides invaluable information that empowers website owners to enhance their optimization strategies. By offering a comprehensive analysis of the most prominent landing pages, SEOmator allows users to identify pages with the highest clicks and views. This knowledge becomes a cornerstone for refining optimization approaches and enhancing overall website performance. The Famous Pages report, a standout feature of SEOmator, serves as a pivotal tool for individuals at any level of SEO expertise. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a newcomer to SEO practices, this report equips you with actionable insights to bolster your website’s SEO and elevate its search engine rankings. With SEOmator, understanding your website’s performance and strategically guiding more visitors to your desired pages becomes a tangible and achievable goal.

An SEO audit: what is it?

An SEO (Search Engine Optimization) audit is a comprehensive evaluation of a website’s performance in terms of search engine visibility and effectiveness. The primary goal of an SEO audit is to identify opportunities for improvement and to address any issues that may be negatively impacting a website’s ability to rank well in search engine results.

An analysis of SEO includes:

  • On-Page SEO:
  • Title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags
  • Keyword usage in content
  • Content quality, relevance, and uniqueness
  • SEO-friendly and descriptive URL structure
  • Technical SEO:
  • Evaluation of site architecture
  • Identification and resolution of indexing issues
  • Correct implementation of XML sitemaps and robots.txt
  • Assessment and improvement of page speed
  • Off-Page SEO:
  • Analysis of backlink profile quality and quantity
  • Examination of social signals’ impact on search visibility
  • Mobile Optimization: 
  • Check for mobile responsiveness and usability
  • User Experience (UX): 
  • Evaluation of overall navigation, layout, and accessibility

How Website SEO Audit Works

In the broad field of digital marketing, an SEO website audit is a thorough check that gives a detailed look at how visible a website is in search engines. It looks closely at a website’s technical framework, on-page and off-page features, and user experience to see how well it works and find places where it could be improved. This thorough analysis helps digital marketers, web developers, and business owners know what their website’s SEO strengths and flaws are, which allows them to make strategic changes and improvements.

A full SEO audit includes many things, like checking how well the content matches the targeted keywords, checking the quality of the backlinks, making sure the site is easy to navigate, making sure all the web pages are safe and load quickly, and a lot more. Ultimately, it aims to make sure that a website is optimized to get the best search engine results, which will lead to more organic traffic.

  • How Well HTML Tags Work

In what ways does a website help search engines? Posting good information isn’t enough (though that is a very important part!). Many small and large things can keep search engines and people from seeing your site. Our free website audit tool starts by checking out some of the most important parts of your site that you may not even know about.

Has Google Chrome ever advised you not to visit a particular website? Because of a security problem, it will block the page and keep you from going there. The first thing we do is make sure that your website gets an SSL certificate validity check. This is a group of security procedures that should be built into your website’s code or the domain itself. It proves that people can trust your site!

  • Google Speed Up

One more important SEO measure is how fast your site loads. For real, having a high search engine ranking isn’t just a bunch of tricks. Pages that rank highly have good content on a platform that loads fast, is linked to other websites, and is easy for people to use in general.

Websites that are easier for people to use will move up in the rankings. This can be made better in many ways, such as by shortening URLs, adding social media links, and making sure your sitemap is searched.

  • Content Value

Recently, a lot of websites have been copying each other. Even if you don’t do this, a lot of websites have pages with information that overlaps. People say that Google has a “duplicate content” penalty. Some people say it’s really bad, but what it does is hurt the results of sites that do this.

Our tool lets you see where you have unique content and where you may have similar content. This could help you change how these pages are set up so that they don’t get hit with duplicate content punishment.

Why regular SEO audits are important

In a time when the digital world is always changing, it is very important to take a constant and planned approach to SEO. It’s not enough to just suggest that you do regular SEO checks; you have to do them.

1. Staying up to date on changes to search engine algorithms

For your SEO plan to keep working, you need to keep up with changes to search engine algorithms. Search engines, like Google, are always making changes to their formulas to make the search results and the user experience better. Businesses can keep an eye on these code changes and make changes to their strategies by doing regular SEO audits. Businesses can make sure their website content, structure, and technical parts are in line with the latest search engine algorithms by learning about the factors that affect search engine results. By taking this proactive step, you can make sure that your site keeps ranking highly in search results and also avoid fines that could happen for not following new rules. Being aware of changes to search algorithms and making the necessary changes to your SEO strategy will help your website stay visible and successful in the ever-changing world of online search.

2. Providing the Best User Experience

A great user experience (UX) is a must for any online business, and it has a lot to do with search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines are giving more weight to websites that give users high-quality, interesting, and simple encounters. As part of regular SEO audits, UX factors like website speed, mobile friendliness, content relevance, and general design are carefully examined. The goal is to make sure that these parts are completely in line with what users want and expect. A great user experience is important for more than just improving SEO. It’s also a key factor in keeping users coming back, getting them to convert, and increasing engagement.

An SEO website audit is like a heart check for your online presence. It makes sure that a website not only follows the ever-changing rules set by search engines but also gives its users a great experience. If you do an audit right, it can make your website much more visible, bring in free traffic, and help your business grow in the very competitive world of the internet.

Going forward, it is important to learn more about the wide range of SEO website audit tools. It is important for businesses of all sizes and in all industries to understand how these tools work and how they can best use their features to improve their general SEO strategy and get good results. These tools give businesses useful information about what they need to work on so they can make smart choices and stay ahead in the ever-changing world of digital marketing.

3. Finding and fixing problems with websites

Finding and fixing problems with your website is an important part of keeping your online profile strong. Even if a website is carefully planned, problems can still happen, such as broken links, slow page loads, missing content, and technology errors. As a troubleshooting tool, an SEO audit is very important because it can find problems that you might not notice right away but that can hurt both the user experience and SEO effectiveness. Quickly finding and fixing these problems is very important for companies because it keeps their website running smoothly, which makes customers happier and more loyal.

Fixing broken links makes sure that users can navigate a website without hitting frustrating dead ends. Improving page loading speed improves the overall user experience and helps SEO results. When there are gaps in the content or information that is missing or out of date, it can hurt user engagement and trustworthiness. Technical problems, like mistakes in the code or the site’s layout, can make it hard for search engine crawlers to do their jobs, which is bad for SEO.

Businesses can improve the usability and appeal of their websites and move up in the search engine results by doing regular SEO audits and fixing any problems that are found quickly. This proactive method not only helps people find the website but also keeps users happy and loyal, which is important for the success of any online business.

Free SEO Tools 

Performing a comprehensive SEO audit is crucial for optimizing your website’s performance and ensuring it ranks well on search engine results pages. To aid in this process, there are several free SEO audit tools available that provide valuable insights into various aspects of your site. Here are the top 7 free SEO audit tools:

  1. Google Search Console:

Google created the Search Console, which is a crucial tool for webmasters. It offers insights into how Googlebot crawls and indexes your site.

  1. Key Features:

 Provides information on search performance, indexing status, mobile usability, and more. It highlights issues affecting your site’s visibility in Google search results.

  1. Google PageSpeed Insights:

Overview: PageSpeed Insights assesses the loading time and performance of your web pages on both mobile and desktop devices.

Key Features: Offers suggestions for optimizing page speed and user experience. It provides a score based on performance metrics, helping you identify areas for improvement.

  1. Yoast SEO:

Overview: While primarily known as a WordPress plugin, Yoast SEO offers a web-based SEO analysis tool. It assesses various on-page SEO factors.

Key Features: Analyzes content readability, keyword density, meta tags, and other on-page elements. It provides actionable suggestions to enhance your content’s SEO.

  1. Screaming Frog SEO Spider:

Overview: Screaming Frog is a desktop application that crawls websites and identifies technical SEO issues.

Key Features: Crawls websites to analyze on-page elements, such as metadata, headings, and broken links. The free version has limitations on the number of pages crawled but is still valuable for smaller sites.

  1. SEMrush:

Overview: SEMrush is a comprehensive SEO tool that offers a free version with limited features. It provides insights into your site’s organic search performance.

Key Features: Conduct an SEO audit, identify issues, and offer recommendations for improvement. It also provides data on backlinks, keyword rankings, and competitors.

  1. Moz Link Explorer:

Overview: Moz is a well-known name in the SEO industry, and its Link Explorer tool allows users to analyze backlinks.

Key Features: Provides data on backlink profiles, including the number of backlinks, domain authority, and anchor text analysis. The free version has limitations on the number of queries per month.

  1. Ubersuggest:

Neil Patel developed Ubersuggest, a versatile tool that offers insights into keyword research, competitor analysis, and site audit capabilities.

Key Features: Conducts a site audit to identify SEO issues, provides keyword suggestions, and analyzes competitor performance. It’s a user-friendly tool suitable for beginners.


Finally, it’s important to do regular SEO audits to keep your online profile strong and make sure your website works at its best. Using tools like SEOmator can help you find and fix several problems, such as on-page SEO, technical issues, and slow page loads. A full SEO audit looks at important things like the quality of the content, the number of backlinks, how well the site works on mobile devices, and the user experience. For good search engine rankings and happy customers, it’s important to keep up with changes to search engine algorithms, provide great user experiences, and fix website problems quickly. In the ever-changing world of online marketing, businesses of all kinds should use SEO audit tools to stay ahead of the competition and find long-term success.

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About the Author: Khuram

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